
Phoenix – HackTheBox

K4oS 3 years ago

IP -> We start off with an nmap scan Alright! We have port 22 running SSH, port 80 running HTTP, and port 443 running HTTPS. When we access the…


Year of the Jellyfish – TryHackMe

K4oS 3 years ago

We start with an nmap scan! We got the following ports open. 21 running FTP, 22 running SSH, 80 running HTTP, 443 running HTTPS, 8000 running HTTP, 8096 running an…


Python Playground – TryHackMe

K4oS 3 years ago

We start with an nmap scan We have two ports open. 22 running SSH and 80 running HTTP!Let’s access the website: Let’s try and sign up! Okay, so we cannot…